07 September 2008

Change this.

"Moreover the term 'evil' is merely a rather cliched insult directed by the weak against the strong."

Friday night while waiting for my date outside of Chick's on 7th street, I was accosted by some well meaning but intellectually inferior followers of the risen Christ. I'm always game to debate with folks who follow ideologically different paths than I do as long as they can keep up and argue based on fact versus passion.

They did. 

Despite me calling them dopes for blindly following an improbably construct of belief systems cobbled together to form a dogmatic cult we got along famously. Once Amanda showed up I bid the lads farewell but was glad for the sport.

Fast forward to today at Tattooed Moms. 

This time it was politics and not religion that provided the grounds for a good debate. My opponent was Robin's date for the evening. While her arguments were naive and a bit silly she did seem to at least understand that not everyone agrees with her train of thought.

Robin's opponent on the other hand was obnoxiously repeating leftist drivel, progressively talking over her and getting more and more frustrated.  It reminded me that people who think with their hearts often don't think with their heads.

Here's a revelation: I'm voting for McCain. Deal with it. Of the two candidates he most exemplifies my politics. If Obama's CHANGE campaign is your cup of tea, I encourage you to go out there and rally the troops and get your man in office.

I would never think less of you for not thinking like I think... so why is it that the leftists (or as I call them.. the bumper sticker people- people who's politics are easily read from the torrent of stickers littering the back of their hybrid or VW) who think themselves the protectors of free thought FREAK THE FUCK OUT when you think differently than them?

I hear them say things like "I could NEVER be friends with someone who (fill in the blank)!". 
Really? I can be friends with people of all walks of life. Isn't intolerance something that they're against? Can you really not get along with someone who's not muttering "me too me too" when you espouse your beliefs? I think I'm a better person FOR listening to the arguments of people who think differently than me. Not people who're trying to change me or save me, but people who understand where I'm coming from and who want to drop their knowledge on me.

As Arnold and Willis Drummond taught me, it takes Diff'rnt Strokes to move the world. (yes it does) My disappointment with people continues to grow.

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