01 June 2008

Beyond the Valley of the Dolls

My friend Rain came down to visit this weekend.  We did silly best friend-y things like watching bad movies, drinking odd flavoured martinis (the blueberry sucked, but her tang martini wasn't too awful) and keeping each other in stitches with our often confusing and sort of not funny brand of mutual humour. It was nice. 

It made me think how much more comfortable I am around women than I am around men. I have very few male friends- I can count on one hand the amount of men I'm close to, but if I look at the most significant friendships I've had in my life- they've always been with women.

I'm really not sure why that is. I'm sure my therapist would have had some idea, but unfortunately we never really got to work on that before he passed. So I can just write it off as some oedipal thing and go with it, I s'pose. 

Either way, I'm pretty damned lucky to have the friends I have- the people who take me at face value instead of some imagined construct of who they want me to be. I used to keep just about everyone at arm's length- not letting them get close enough to me for fear that one day I'd lose them anyway. Or maybe for fear that they'd eventually 'get to know' me; the real me; and just lose interest. Either or. 

But these days, between Rain, Lauren, Carm, Robin... and the Y chromos that watch my back like Brian, Bob and Bucket- I have it pretty good.


Shawn Xanadont said...

Oh. That sketch of me sleeping is by Rain Polsky of www.brokenumbrella.com

The Curious Umbrella said...

Damn right. Love you, Steakums.