29 November 2008
"the Alpha and the Omega of Whom alone the end becomes beginning, and ends again at the original beginning without any break"
13 November 2008
Where the barkers call the moon down....
I've got a sadness in me today that I'm doing my best to shake. It's likely the weather; cold and gray and rainy as it is outside of my window. Could be seasonal or it could just be a sad sort of day. I find myself trying to wait for some sort of personal revelation ("All revelations are personal- that's why they're suspect") to come while watching movies and packing for my road trip, and instead I find nothing but a familiar melancholy.
29 October 2008
Hail Satan!

"Besides heroin and sex, chess and the cinema appeared to be the greatest pleasures left to him"- George Pendle on Aleister Crowley from Pendle's 'Strange Angel: The otherworldly life of Rocket Scientist John Whiteside Parsons'.
04 October 2008
Cause I speak of the pompitus of love.
28 September 2008
Consider the Source.
Today is day one of my new project:
Not forever and in every context, I'm sure. But as I walk through South Philly and hear the negativity espoused by pretty much every person I pass- I find myself growing progressively more annoyed with it.
Does 'fucking' REALLY have to be every second word when someone talks? Are there seriously no other words that can convey your thought?
I've defended profanity for years arguing that no word itself is "dirty" or profane. That on a contextual basis the word pedophile should be much more taboo than the word fuck, since the word represents an adult having sex or sexual thoughts about a child. Words are symbols, sure. Sigils charged with meaning. It's not the meaning itself that I'm having a problem with, but the negativity that surrounds the use of it. The girl sitting on the steps- barely 15 who uses (and yes, I counted. Forgive me my OCDs) 10 culturally "dirty" words in the time it takes me to walk past her has a cloud of anger surrounding her that you can almost see. Seriously. How can a 14-15 year old be THAT angry, barking profanity/threats into her cellphone. A roof over her head. Judging from her appearance there's PLENTY of food on her table. And here she is spitting toxic-thought into the air with impunity.
I don't know if I can break my own conditioning. I'm going to use a punishment/reward system at first. Yes. A "swear jar" will be in place for every time I backslide. No, I won't feel 'morally' better for cleaning up my sailor's mouth. But my hope is that I feel happier without a cloud of negativity around me.
We'll see.
And yes. I know that I'm getting "kookier" in my old age. You don't need to tell me.
26 September 2008
the Astronaut's Prayer
07 September 2008
Change this.
05 September 2008
Acorns and Overalls
I've become, the simple souvenir of someone's guilt
Like the sea, I'm constantly changing from calm to ill
Madness fills my heart and soul
As if the great divide could swallow me whole
-City and Colour
28 August 2008
An Eldritch Enlightenment
18 August 2008
Anything Bought/Sold
Last week a friend made me feel like a commodity. While I'll eventually get over it (and no doubt they'll get over me telling them so) it's sort of reinforced my need to find my place in reality. I'm constantly disappointed in my friends anymore. A few close friends are always there for me and look out for me, but the reality of the situation is that I fear a lot of the people I know tend to be 'friends' with me because they want something from me. Regardless of how tangible it is it still makes me feel less than stellar.
10 August 2008
The Zen Bullet
08 August 2008
The Rebellion against all there is
Jayson Kilroy. Rest in Peace
"Colorado Springs police tell 11 News one woman has been arrested for fatally hitting two cyclists with her truck Wednesday night on the west side of Colorado Springs.
It happened around 7:30 p.m. at the intersection of 26th Street and Westend Avenue.
Police say a group of about five cyclists were riding north on 26th Street when a truck heading southbound made a left hand turn and hit the two lead riders.
Two riders, 30-year-old Edgar Juarez, 30 and Jayson Kilroy, 28, both of Colorado Springs were pronounced dead on scene.
The driver of the truck, 63-year-old Barbara Thomas, has been arrested, accused of vehicular homicide, driving under the influence of drugs, and driving with a restricted license."
04 August 2008
Love means you're afraid to be alone.
02 August 2008
when you have nothing to say, let a band say it for you.
Do I need whiskey to start fueling my complaints?
People love to drink their troubles away.
Sometimes I feel that I'd be better off that way.
'Cause maybe then I could sleep at night.
I wouldn't lie awake until the morning light.
This is something that I'll never control.
My nerves will be the death of me, I know.
I know, I know.
So here's to living life miserable.
And here's to all the lonely stories that I've told.
Maybe drinking wine will validate my sorrow.
Every man needs a muse and mine could be the bottle.
Maybe then I could sleep at night.
I wouldn't lie awake until the morning light.
This is something that I'll never control.
My nerves will be the death of me, I know.
Finally, I could hope for a better day.
No longer holding on to all the things that cloud my mind.
Maybe then the weight of the world wouldn't seem so heavy.
But then again I'll probably always feel this way.
At least I know I'll never sleep at night. (Sleep at night)
I'll always lie awake until the morning light. (Til the morning light)
This is something that I'll never control.
My nerves will be the death of me.
My nerves will be the death of me.
My nerves will be the death of me, I know.
26 July 2008
I knew there was a reason, and my looks couldn't be it.
24 July 2008
Save your Scissors
18 July 2008
Garlic Heart meets the immovable force.
Now we go all the night without love
Without love…'
09 July 2008
I am all things phallic.
I usually can't play the role of Alpha-Male. Hell, I'm usually hustling to even fulfill the role of "male"- so when things like the aforementioned windshield wiper situation come up, I tend to freeze. You can imagine then, when driving home today in a rainstorm, how awesome it was when my driver's side wiper blade shit the bed.
As I rolled back into Philly, I had two revelations:
1. Grocery Stores don't carry wiper blades.
2. When shopping for wiper blades at Target, check the Bluray section. Gotham Knight may be on sale.
Once home, with a windshield wiper blade (which as it turns out isn't one size fits all) a bottle of anti-depressants and a blu ray copy of Gotham Knight, I set towards figuring out how the fuck these things work. After about three attempts (which coincided with the three different illustrations on the back of the package) to fix the thing I just went for broke and managed the replacement. I think. I've yet to test it in foul weather.
But it LOOKS fixed. Which in the end is the biggest hurdle.
25 June 2008
Draw yourself day
Last Sunday I took a friend on a tour of Philadelphia. She's been before, but it was nice to take her on a tour of MY Philadelphia, albeit abbreviated by schedules. Next time, we'll make sure to really get down and dirty- Italian Market, Mütter Museum, Olde City, et all.
17 June 2008
Buff and Stuff
Several weekends ago- I can't remember how long now since my daysweeksmonths tend to run together, I was lucky enough to meet L.A. Artist BUFFMONSTER, and to have him draw a custom Buff tattoo design for me.
15 June 2008
It's not the size of your pencil, it's how you write your name
I've had an eventful weekend. My days as a hermit seem to be ended, as the cast of amazing friends I have continually lure me out of my funk and into actually having a social life. As my good friend Brian often says- "good or bad, my friend are all I've ever had". Too true, B.
11 June 2008
Go to sleep little ugly, Go to sleep little fool
10 June 2008
Cabinet of Pus(head)
Crazy from the Heat
I think it's expected of everyone right now to be complaining about the heat and the price of gas. So... this will be my combo post of both woes.
06 June 2008
Weekend Fever
05 June 2008
I want to ride my bicycle
I was recently gifted with a bicycle, on semi-permanent loan.
I finally took time last night to do the post dating maintenance that I've meant to do for the last two weeks; those little tasks you have to do eventually but are far too difficult to do immediately after the parting.
01 June 2008
Why am I single?
You've had many relationships and nearly all of them have been successful. You're a nice guy, you know the ropes, and even if you can be a little hasty with decisions, most girls think of you as a total catch. Your hastiness comes off as spontaneity most of the time anyhow, making you especially popular in your circle of friends, too.
You know not to make the typical Loverboy mistake of choosing someone who appreciates your good humor and popularity, but who offers nothing in return. You belong with someone outgoing, independent, and creative. Otherwise, you'll get bored. And then instead of surprising her with flowers or a practical joke, you'll surprise her by leaving."
I just took an online dating site's dating persona test.
That all sounds fairly accurate, save the "you constantly get dumped by women who claim to love you" part. This isn't an "oh woe is me" trip, just random observation.
Being freshly heartbroken makes you introspective, I guess. I'm ok with being single right now, for the most part- but I'm still looking for that white picket fence romantic dream of old- with a little extra perversion thrown in.
Just need the right gal.
Beyond the Valley of the Dolls
My friend Rain came down to visit this weekend. We did silly best friend-y things like watching bad movies, drinking odd flavoured martinis (the blueberry sucked, but her tang martini wasn't too awful) and keeping each other in stitches with our often confusing and sort of not funny brand of mutual humour. It was nice.
the Valley of the Dolls
It was bound to happen, with the frequency a new piece of vinyl catches my fancy- my toy display case had reached maximum capacity and a trip to Ikea became a must.
27 May 2008
As quietly as an earthquake
22 May 2008
Breakups in the age of Technology
My girlfriend and I amicably split up last night. I wasn't really for the breakup, but sometimes it's a wise man who accepts what's happening in his life, processes it and learns from it.
Nothing really emotionally changed for me, of course; I still love her dearly and wish things could be different. But as we all know, if wishes were fishes I'd be having sushi for dinner tonight- so accepting it seems like the only option.
21 May 2008
New Toy acquired
As a kid, I always had toys. My earliest memories are of laying belly-down on the living room floor on a Saturday morning, avoiding the Florida heat, watching cartoons and playing with toys. Micronaughts, G.I.Joe, Transformers, The Krusher- any monster, robot or horror toy I could get my hands on battled it out, to the death, every weekend, holiday or summer vacation.
Somewhere along the way I started skateboarding, and through the magazines of the time, particularly Thrasher, discovered the artwork of Brian Schroeder- better known to legions of skaters and thrash music devotees as the enigmatic PUSHEAD.
Like tons of other kids into the skate/art culture, I rushed my S.A.S.E. out to San Francisco to join the Pushead Fan Club- getting letters and stickers from the man himself, encouraging me to keep on drawin' monsters.
Fast forward 16 years and I was still collecting toys here and there. My knees and wrists weren't really happy with my occasional bouts of skating, but when I did, I skated on a deck with art by- you guessed it- Mr. Schroeder.
Around the same time, my then girlfriend developed an obsession with vinyl toys. She was a little more than a decade younger than me and I quickly picked up her enthusiasm for collecting Western and Eastern toys- based on seeing the green colourway KAWS Pushead companion behind locked doors in a NYC toystore's display. The price read $500- a bit too much for a single toy, so I let go on ever owning this monument to my childhood obsessions; toys, monster and Pushead.
Several years later, and my toy collection had a few Pushead pieces in it- but the one that started it all for me still eluded my capture. Over time, I started finding it for under the initial $500 pricetag that the store in Manhattan sold it for. After chasing and missing for months, I finally picked it up- $250 from a fellow collector who was willing to part with it to pay bills.
In a few days, it will be in my collection, with a new glass display case purchased just to house it.
Little things like this make me happy.
Ohio Roadtrip: 05/23/08
My head is very clouded right now and I feel that I'm on the verge of a major backslide. I've worked hard to fix pattern behaviour and have felt that I've made great progress- but it's likely that I've had a false sense of security because nothing had come up to test it.
Now that I'm being tested, I find myself reverting to old thought processes and pitfalls and I don't like it at all.
So. Put me in a car with two of my oldest friends- heading toward an event where I'll be surrounded by even more friends, and maybe I'll be able to clear my head.