"Besides heroin and sex, chess and the cinema appeared to be the greatest pleasures left to him"- George Pendle on Aleister Crowley from Pendle's 'Strange Angel: The otherworldly life of Rocket Scientist John Whiteside Parsons'.
There was a time when being an Occultist was a romanticized pursuit; when it was the past-time of the affluent bright young things who traveled the globe looking for new adventures and new experiences. Secret Societies, "Orders" of this and that mixed with the new occult- science- to create hybrids that would be unthinkable today. People who shared a passion for exploring everything; the same people working to split the atom having clandestine sexual rituals in the dark attics of mansions in well to do neighborhoods, pushing Crowley's Thelema, Blavatsky's Theosophy and more seances than you could shake a ouija board at.
These days we have daytime talk shows and reality tv instead of anything of substance, any mystery.